* Join Scott Zirus' INNOCENCE TEAM
As part of this team you will work directly with Scott Zirus on public
outreach and awareness; fundraising; and media support. Members of
this team will also assist in holding Texas officials accountable for
inaction and help facilitate communication between Scott Zirus and
the United Nations/Australian Officials.
Simply by joining the Facebook Group you are showing support for
Scott Zirus' innocence and you will receive real-time updates on his
* Tell your friends and family
Tell everyone you know about Scott Zirus' innocence campaign and
encourage them to get involved too. The more people that support
this campaign the louder the voice we will have to ensure we get the
attention of Texas officials to do the right thing.
* Spread The Word
- Post about Scott Zirus' innocence on social media to help raise
awareness. Please include a link to this website so that others can
investigate Scott Zirus' innocence as well.
- Contact journalists and media outlets and tell them how important it
is that they cover this story to help raise awareness of Scott Zirus'
innocence and the phenomenon responsible for the wrongful
conviction of thousands of innocent people in America.
- Do not be afraid to contact Public Officials directly and tell them that
you want them to proactively assist in the release of Scott Zirus from
Texas custody. Your voice is very powerful.
* Moral Support
Contact Scott Zirus to offer moral support and encouragement. It is
incredibly demoralizing being innocent in a foreign prison with no real
support network. Scott is extremely resilient, but your support will help
him get through the dark periods. You may be pleasantly surprised
that he is able to help you with his down-to-earth logic and
practicality. Scott is great at intelligent and engaging conversation.
Postal Address: (letters / cards / photos)
Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Scott Zirus #01640002 - Robertson Unit
P.O. Box 660400
Dallas, Texas 75266-0400
www.SecurusTech.net [TDCJ ID: 01640002]
* Please also provide a "Prepaid Reply" to help Scott respond.
Legal Mail I Books:
Scott Zirus #01640002
Robertson Unit
12071 F.M. 3522
Abilene, Texas 79601
THE BATTLE PLAN: Public Accountability
To be exonerated Scott Zirus must overcome an inherent catch-22 built into the very fabric of the U.S. legal system.
Since his wrongful - conviction is a no-crime case based upon hearsay, there isn't anything like DNA or an alternative culprit that can be discovered to legally prove that Scott Zirus is innocent. After all, you can't prove a negative.
The only new evidence that can exonerate Scott Zirus is the recantations
of his accusers (MW, CW, and JB).No matter how much Scott Zirus can disprove the allegations against him in the Court of Public Option, to win in a U.S. Court of Law he needs those three boys (now young men ) to have the courage to come forth and admit that Scott Zirus did not molest them. MW has already recanted to a clinical psychologist, but that by itself is not legally enough in a Court of Law. Scott Zirus' accusers have to take an active role to help unravel their lies that destroyed Scott Zirus' life. Will they get in trouble for making the false allegations? No - they were only young children at the time and were caught up in a system designed to convict people accused of child sex crimes. 'They had absolutely no control over how the law enforcement coached them to make false allegations. They are just as much victims of the system as Scott Zirus is.
However, without their recantations, the options available to Scott Zirus are dramatically reduced. The only other realistic option is to prove that
Scott Zirus ' conviction was obtained in violation of the U.S. Constitution.
The problem · is that Scott Zirus has already "exhausted" his appeals and he has no more appeals left. His appeal was dismissed by the Federal Courts because he filed his petition too late - even though they admit that his rights were, in fact, violated and his conviction was subsequently illegal. For anyone who. may have faith in justice, this seems absolutely unfair - that's because it is absolutely unfair. But this is the U.S. justice system and things are not often fair. So again Scott Zirus' options are limited - but there is still hope.
Under such circumstances whether or not his conviction is overturned falls upon the grace of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. This Court has an appellate rule that allows them to reconsider an appeal "on its own initiative " [Tex. R. App. P. 79 _ 2(d)]. So if this Court so decides, they may reconsider Scott Zirus' appeal.
But how do we encourage a Court in Texas to do the right thing and reconsider Scott Zirus' appeal? The answer: Public Accountability - when they see the public outcry over this injustice, they will heed our calls to correct their mistakes by denying Scott Zirus' state level appeal. This is why it is essential that we organize strong and vocal movement calling for Scott Zirus" conviction to be overturned. The facts are on side for them to do it, but we need the Courts to realize that we will not stand by and allow an injustice of this magnitude to be hidden from accountability.
The battle before us will not be easy, but Scott Zirus case has the very real possibility to draw INTERNATIONAL attention to the inhumane judicial practices that are so commonplace in Texas. We need you to help this innocence campaign to make noise. We need to make headlines and speak with the clear, strong voice that can not be silenced or ignored. We need to campaign for Scott Zirus' release.
The Shadow of Doubt
There is no need to live amongst the shadows. A lot of people privately express a strong confidence in Scott Zirus' innocence, but there is sometimes considerable fear and reservation about publicly supporting it because they are afraid it will be seen as supporting a pedophile. They have reputations to uphold, children to raise, and are terrified of social lynch mobs - so they stay silent.
These are legitimate concerns, but if you believe Scott Zirus is innocent then
you know that he did not do what was alleged. Your support for his actual innocence is NOT support for a pedophile. It is support of a man who has been FALSELY ACCUSED of such. If you allow the decision of whether to support his innocence to be dictated by the uninformed opinions of others, then you are directly feeding into the social phenomenon that caused his wrongful conviction - and subsequently keeps him in prison for a crime he did not commit.
Especially in today's social climate, people tend to think that "Truth" is subjective in that truth is somehow determined by their personal feelings - that such feelings are the ultimate standard on which to judge what is true or false.,- But just because someone makes an allegation that arouses strong emotions does not mean it is true.
We should always face such allegations with deliberate impartiality (but not indifference)to avoid the trap of emotional reactivity. We should draw a conclusion only after we have weighed the facts against logic and reason. This is called critical thinking, and emotion should play no part in our evaluations of what constitutes "Truth". Only then can any stand that we take be firmly founded upon the Truth.
If others react emotionally to your reasoned stance - let them. There is no reason to entertain their inability or unwillingness for objective truth-seeking. There is definitely no reason to let them dictate what you stand for.
When you overcome the initial reservation to publically support Scott Zirus' innocence, other supporters will see this and they will feel empowered by your example to step forward too. When you speak with confidence about the facts, the uninformed haters all melt into insignificance. They have shallow minds. Hate, fear, and confusion is all they have. If you dispel that with the truth, they have nothing. Yes, it may be unpleasant at times, but we are on the right side of justice. Feed the fire of justice, and it will illuminate the Truth and remove the shadows of doubt.